
Rolling Field of Flowers, 2018. 36" x 62", paper, sculpture, paint on mesh screen

Detail from Rolling Field of Flowers, 2018

Kaleidoscope of Color: Field of Flowers, 2017           74" x 97.5"

A Closer Look, Detail from Kaleidoscope of Color: Field of Flowers

En Pointe, 2016   20" x 16"

Spouted Rainbow,  2016   20"x 16"

Flowers a Poppin!, 2016   20" x 16"

Kaleidoscope of Color: Squared, 2017   48.5" x 48.5"

Shadow in Trace, 2017   20" by 16"

Chiaroscuro, 2017   20" x 16"

Made-to-Order Chiaroscuro Flower Crown, 2017     Sized-to-fit Bust

Good Day, Sunshine!, 2017    20" x 16"

Protean Delight, 2020    18" x 24"

Rose Vibrations, 2020, 16" x 20"

Photograph Detail